Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu


Purpose and Scope

With the Personal Data Processing, Protection and Destruction Policy, we aim to ensure that personal data is in compliance with the current national and international legislation, primarily the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 “(Law”) and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

In order to ensure that our customers’ personal data is stored securely and to prevent any unlawful access or leakage to these data, we share our customers’ data only with our reliable suppliers, authorized persons, institutions and organizations at a minimum level and take security measures in accordance with the current legislation.

Our aim is to inform you in the most transparent way about the ways your personal data is collected, the purposes of processing, the persons with whom it is shared, legal reasons and your rights, in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and in line with your satisfaction.

Data security, transparency and the right of individuals to control their own personal data constitute the most important foundations for us in terms of compliance with the Law. In this context, we provide you with detailed information about the processing, protection and destruction of your personal data with this Policy.

We reserve the right to make changes to the Policy in order to provide up-to-date information about the practices and legal regulations regarding the processing, protection and destruction of personal data. However, in the event of any fundamental changes to the Policy, we will notify data owners through appropriate channels.


The basic principles listed below have been adopted by our Company in order to ensure compliance with the personal data protection legislation and to maintain compliance.

Processing Personal Data in Accordance with the Law and the Rules of Integrity Our Company carries out its personal data processing activities in accordance with the law and the rule of integrity, in accordance with the personal data protection legislation, especially the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey.

Ensuring the Accuracy and Up-to-dateness of Processed Personal Data Our Company ensures the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the personal data it processes, takes the necessary administrative and technical measures within this framework and carries out the necessary processes. In this context, our Company attaches importance to correcting and verifying the accuracy of personal data owners’ personal data in case of errors and updating it if communicated to us.

Processing Personal Data for Specific, Clear and Legitimate Purposes Our Company processes data limited to the services it provides and the purposes for which it obtains consent from individuals during the service.

Processing Personal Data in a Limited and Measured Manner Related to the Purpose Our Company processes personal data in connection with the data processing conditions and as much as necessary for the performance of these services. It does not process, use or allow data to be used for purposes other than business purposes. Within this framework, our Company takes into consideration the fundamental rights of data owners and its own legitimate interests.

Preserving Personal Data for the Period Stipulated in the Relevant Legislation or Necessary for the Purpose for which they are Processed Our Company preserves personal data for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose of data processing. In this context, our Company complies with the time limit arising from Article 138 of the Turkish Penal Code and Articles 4 and 7 of the Personal Data Protection Law. Our company deletes, destroys or anonymizes personal data when the period stipulated in the legislation expires or the reasons requiring the processing of personal data are eliminated.


Your Personal Data obtained by our Company may be processed within the scopes explained below:

To ensure that our legal obligations are fulfilled as required or made mandatory by legal regulations,

To provide software services and other outsourcing services for the fulfillment of operational activities,

To carry out the necessary studies by the relevant units in order to fulfill the commercial activities specified in our Company’s articles of association in accordance with the legislation and the relevant company and company policies and to carry out the activities in this direction,

To determine, plan and implement our Company’s short, medium and long-term commercial policies,

To provide effective customer service,

To provide services and offers,

To carry out all kinds of marketing and advertising activities,

To determine visitor profiles,

To ensure the commercial reliability of our Company,

To ensure that requests, demands and complaints are answered and resolved,

To provide support services to Customers and Visitors within the scope of the contract and service standards

To conduct market research and statistical studies,

To provide contact with people who have business relations with our company,

Marketing, compliance management,

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