Types of Coal

Alsa Group’s robust energy coal sales and coal options for factories provide tailored solutions for energy needs. With high-quality, environmentally friendly, and efficient coal options, we enhance businesses’ energy efficiency.

Coal Options Suitable for Various Energy Needs

Alsa Group offers a wide portfolio of coal tailored to the specific energy needs of its customers. With options such as Soma coal, rice coal, and various grades and sizes of coal, we provide diverse solutions to enhance your company’s energy efficiency.

Imported Industrial Coal

Features: High calorific value, low ash, and sulfur content.
Applications: Industrial facilities, heating, and energy production.
Advantages: Efficient combustion, long-term energy supply.

Local Industrial Coal

Features: Reliable sources, sustainable production.
Applications: Local industry and heating needs.
Advantages: Support for the local economy, reduction of ecological footprint.

Soma Coal

A high-quality coal option that maximizes energy efficiency.

Rice Coal

Efficient coal used in various industrial boilers, available in different sizes.

Powder Coal (0-10mm)

High-calorific, low-sulfur, and environmentally friendly powder coal option.

Washed Powder Coal (0.5-10mm)

Specially processed coal for a clean energy solution.

Rice Coal (5-12mm)

Rice coal that delivers excellent performance in industrial boilers.

Nut and Plum Coals

Coal options in various sizes and qualities suitable for specific energy needs.

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